Saturday, June 05, 2010


This is the time of the year when family and friends celebrate with their 5th graders as they graduate after spending 6 years in junior schools all over the USA. It seems strange to us 'down under' that something like this is done in the midst of our winter season - ours is done at the end of the year just as the kids are finishing school for their 6 weeks summer break.

The hard work through the year is acknowledged during the ceremony and those who are fortunate receive awards, certificates and ribbons and parents ooh and aah about how well their kids have done and how clever they are.

We heard that the hunt was on for the perfect dress and shoes and when finally they were found. We heard about the great tulle bows and balloons which decorated the hall. And when at last we received the photos we felt so proud to see for ourselves that Miss A11 had 'scooped the pool' both in awards and in the fashion stakes. What a proud night for her Mom and Dad and indeed for herself.

With her Certificate, letter from the President and ribbon worn around her neck (what is that called?) she looked so confident and beautiful. Her grandparents are also very, very proud. Well done Miss A.
