Saturday, June 13, 2009


Three good nights makes the world of difference! Instead of crawling out of bed in the morning because I couldn't bear being there any longer, I've gotten out feeling at last I'm beginning to feel as though I can join the human race again. There have been times during the past few weeks when sleep has not been possible, mainly because of leg and back pain. All I could do was talk to the Lord and tell Him how I felt - of course that didn't immediately take the pain away - but I was comforted by the fact of knowing that He knew all about my pain and I did have faith enough to believe that it would get better - and it is.

Yesterday DH spent a busy day doing chores, washing and pegging it on the clothesline, making a big saucepan full of beautiful vegetable soup, mowing the lawns and as well drove me to the library to both return and pick up more reading material and DVD's. While out we picked up a few groceries at the supermarket and then headed for home. Probably we were out for a couple of hours - and I was totally pooped when we arrived home. But it was so good to get away from the house for even that short time.

Tomorrow I plan to start walking a little way. I think doing a circuit of our street will be enough to begin - normally I expect it would only take me about 4 minutes to do it however I am thinking I'll be lucky to make it in about 6 or 7 tomorrow. The weather should hold out - we've had a few days of beautiful sunshine after a couple of frosty starts and we are expecting more rain later in the week - so I think tomorrow I must make the effort and try to do a little each day. I am feeling stronger - and I know I'm gaining some of the weight I lost - so that is enough incentive for me to give it a try.

Have a blessed Sunday!


Aimz said...

hi BeeJay, sorry you're not doing to well but hope you're on the mend :-)

Aimz said...

btw I just saw on your sidebar that you're from the McInnes family? Is that irish? I'm from the McKennas, my great great grandmother came over here from Monaghan, Ireland in 1875 so I'm busily doing family research but it's quite hard.

Barbara said...

God is so good...I am thankful you are doing better. May your healing process continue. Thanks for stopping by....

NanaNor's said...

Hello dear Beejay, Glad you are recovering from your surgery but take it slow and easy. I've dealt with back problems for many years but haven't had to undergo surgery. I'm so glad the Lord's grace has been upon you. Blessings to you and yours.