I pulled the plastic storage tub out and began rummaging. I really had no idea what I was looking for except that it had to be small and quick enough to complete in a few days. I was tired of the sampler I'd been laboriously working away on for what seemed an age. Amongst some papers and patterns which had been in the tub for years, I came across a piece which I'd torn from a magazine. I'd always promised myself I'd try it out as I really liked the style of this little Australian cottage. I'd done a larger one of a similar house a number of years ago called "The Briars" ( I think the design was by Juniper) and had always intended to stitch this tiny 'look alike'.
Inspired with the finding I set to using a neutral toned linen and chose my own colours from DMC floss instead of using those in the original. I think it has turned out OK and now I'll hunt around for a suitable 'early Australian' looking frame to complete the picture. Anyway this is how it turned out.

1 comment:
Thanks for visiting my blog! Your cross stitch work is beautiful. I am so very NOT talented in any type of stitching! I do sew just a little, but only if I must! God Bless!
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